Monday, February 11, 2013

Why I like cows

Today is bill paying day.  Not only is it a Monday but I  get to sit in my little office and instead of  writing about cream cheese I get to add up all the bills for the month and make sure they get paid on time.

Surprisingly,  I enjoy this job.  When I was little, we learned a song which I can still call to mind today ."He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, the wealth in every mine...."  I don't know who wrote it, and  at at the time I learned it, I'm sure I thought it was just a catchy tune but now that I am approaching adulthood I think of it every single month.

My God owns everything around me.  He knows every bill I owe and that milk costs more than I want to pay for all these kids to drink.  So I have a system.
I add the bills, I sing my Sunday school song and when the total overwhelms me, I thank God that He has reminded me of his provision once again.

Yesterday the milk cow was sick.  When a cow won't get up, its a very bad sign and no one was quite sure if she had eaten something bad or slipped on ice and broken her back.  We decided that before we put her down, we would all pray for her.

  After our prayer meeting, the cow was eating and then by morning she stood up.  What a faith builder for my little children.  I know God does not always answer our prayers the way we think would be best but hearing my 5 year old pray for Clover and then taking him outside to see Clover feeling much  better was a reminder once again: MY God cares for me. He cares about cows and puppy dogs and even sparrows so why should I be anxious just because I'm adding up bills.

I can hardly wait to see how He supplies this month.

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