Monday, November 11, 2013

In the autumn of my life.

On a cloudy Monday morning in November, my thoughts turn naturally to autumn.
Autumn means:
- finding the snowsuits
- finishing the canning
- watching my flower beds turn brown
-cutting enough wood to heat the house all winter
 and a myriad of other  slightly sobering ideas ramble through my mind.
Somehow these lead to all my memories of other falls, long past.
and then I think, wow, life is moving quickly to my own autumn.  I have a 29 year old son, I have 9 grandchildren, soon to be 11.

But wait, I am planing to live to be 100.  This is just summer for me.  I have a six year old child downstairs drawing an eye patch and a pirate  map so we can play.  In the seasons of my life, I am barely past midsummer.  These are the longest days!  Begone, grey depression, I have many things to do before fall come for me.