Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Great Expectations

Mothers  do not retire, they are not allowed to retire,and no matter how weary they may be, motherhood goes on forever.
With that in mind,  when two of my married daughters called yesterday within 10 minutes of each other and asked if they could come to my house to "hang out." I graciously invited them over.
I will confess that Esther offered to bring me a large freshly baked brownie but I would have said yes anyway.
While they were here:
 A woman came to look at my litter of 5 week -old golden retrievers
 I attempted to do some wash
 I checked all the business emails
 I swept the floor(that's a big accomplishment )
I looked at some Christmas music I may need to learn for a program
We caught up on all the family gossip
Elijah brought us pizza for lunch
the school bus returned bearing 6 more children
and, I got to play with two of my grandchildren

I was feeling slightly weary when my husband returned home wondering if I would like to "make a little saurkraut" that evening.  I like homemade kraut as much as anyone in the house but apparently my view of "a little" kraut and his differ.

I now have 1,000 (you read that right) pounds of lovely cabbage sitting under a tarp in my driveway while I wait for inspiration to go buy more salt.  I'm pretty sure I don't have enough on hand.
As I recounted these events to my neighbor this morning, she said,"Miriam, you should just be thankful that your life is always new and exciting." 

So- thank you honey, for your gift.  Next time, could you just think "sparkly"?