Thursday, February 7, 2013


Yesterday I planned to write about my birthday resolutions, but I got busy.  All the kids came home for the day, from VA, from Lebanon, from Berrysburg.  The house was full of young people and little kids.  We had lasagna and cheesecake and even birthday presents.

This morning I rose early, as a godly woman should, went into the kitchen and surveyed the heap of dirty dishes, you know the kind, lasagna stuck to cheese, stuck to dried noodles, all on 24 plates. Then I noticed all the lights that burnt all night because I got tired and went to bed before the 14 and older crowd.

I have to say my attitude was less than godly as I roamed through the rooms noticing all the things that hadn't been done "right". I preheated the oven, stuck the sticky buns in, and started washing dishes, feeling grumbly all the while.  God always finds me among the dirty dishes.  Little thoughts began wafting through my mind- wisps of verses about doing my work cheerfully.  I had to give in, to laugh my miserable attitude off,  and try on a new one.

Yesterday, my resolutions were going to be: run more, write more, drink less coffee.  Nothing wrong with those but I am going to aim higher.  Here's my new one: Ask God to give me the grace to serve my family with joy.  My father has a poster that says "Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God."

I am going to turnoff my computer and go back to my messy kitchen and clean it up and enjoy the process.


  1. I came across a quote by Nancy Leigh DeMoss that goes perfectly with this post. "Gratitude is one of the chief ways that God infuses joy and resilieve into the daily struggle of life." Thanks for sharing! Oh and Thank you ever sooooo much for raising Seth to love doing the dishes!!!!!

  2. sorry that was supposed to be *resilience

  3. "God always finds me among the dirty dishes." That warmed my heart! Thanks for sharing honestly, Miriam.
