Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Most Welcome Interruption

Found this prayer in a book:

" The Music of Loose Ends"

I wish I had written it, but I can surely appreciate the prayer and share it.

"Heavenly Father,
You said 'always.'   Always give thanks--always and for everything.  You said to keep the music of thanksgiving always playing in myheart.  Today I give thanks in Jesus' name for what I usually complain about, for what I can't seem to control or change, for all the daily indignities of raising kids:

--For things that break or get broken all the time, and things that break on first use, and for the broken things that require expensive repair and replacement:  Today I see that these are reminders that You are giving my family an eternal treasure in heaven that will never break or fade away(Matt.6:20).

--For things stained, smudged, smeared, fingerprinted, spilled on, even for those unnameable sticknesses in strange places: Today I will bear with such messes with renewed patience because they remind me that it is the inside of us that matters.  You have washed our hearts to purest white by the mercies of Your daily love and eternal salvation(Ps. 51:7).

--For things unemptied, unreplaced,unclosed, unreturned, unkempt, unfound, and unfinished:Today these loose ends of our family life reassure me that our family is called to adestiny where only a few things really matter(Luke 10:42).

--For things ufly,plain,common,cheap,chipped,and dented: Today I see these sometimes embarrassing belongings of a family for what they are--proof that a miracle is under way here.  And You,Lord of all, choose to dwell here with us(Ps. 144:3).

--For noises day and night, and loud music, and loud noises that passes for music: Today I offer this racket to You as the praise of 'everything that has breath' in this house(Ps.150:6), and thank You with each decibel of devotion.

--For interrupted meals,unfinished conversations with friends,unfinished reading,neglected hobbies and projects, and for the fading memories of many small, grown-up luxuries: Today I remember that in His ministry, Jesus said that children were the most welcome interruption of all and the real business of heaven(Matt.19:14).

O Father, accept my list of ordinary parenting annoyances as the holy music of my thankful heart today, for I sing in Jesus' name.


Kopp, David, and Heather Harpham Kopp. Praying the Bible for Your Children. Colorado Springs, CO: WaterBrook, 1998. Print.

Even as I type this, my house is full of such music, so I will leave this post and go attend to my most welcome interruptions.

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Life has its twists and turns.
Last week  I got to go to Missouri and help our oldest son with his 4 pre-schoolers when his lovely wife Lindsay needed to go to Texas with her family.  It was my first opportunity to just "hang -out" with four fun children.
Granted, their energy level was probably double mine and I realized why God gives children to 20 year -olds, not 50 somethings.
On the other hand, I got an up close and personal look at their life and I'm so proud of the wonderful job Seth and Lindsay are doing teaching their children.
When I was in the midst of my own toddler life, I couldn't see the forest for the trees, so to speak.  Dishes, laundry, messy faces, dirty behinds, all conspired to rob me of perspective and make me forget the real value of what I was doing.
This time around I could look at the smiling faces and hugs and realize the work will end - eventually but the relationship is forever.

Mother's Day is tomorrow, I have left Grandma life for a time and returned to Motherhood and my 5 year old, but I want to say to all you Moms out there - its a tough job but the reward is oh so worth it.
Hug your messy children and don't sweat the small stuff.